August 15th the Opening Night Party starts at 5pm but we also have student section films playing that night as well.
Student Section 1 4:15-5:40
Invasive Species 1:43
Lost 2:42
Pinky 5:52
Your Undivided
Attention 4:44
Animation of the
Afternoon 4:41
Victim of the
Other Side 4:43
Ambitions 10:43
The Awakening 4:03
The Date 4:35
The Match 4:29
Boys Don't Cry 4:04
Drive 2:20
Druckknoph 3:41
A Teen's Guide 14:00
Section 2 6:00-8pm
Hair Lockets 3:43
Pieces of Belmar 5:13
Separation 18:00
Nights Like This 10:36
Print 4:45
Backstage 15:28
Victim 15:19
So What 17.27
Klaus 12:20
Girl in Pieces 10:04
Amanda 12:00
I See You 15:00
8:15 Awards for Student Films, presented by Chris J. Cullen, and actor/filmmaker Gerard Garilli
Student Section 1 4:15-5:40
Invasive Species 1:43
Lost 2:42
Pinky 5:52
Your Undivided
Attention 4:44
Animation of the
Afternoon 4:41
Victim of the
Other Side 4:43
Ambitions 10:43
The Awakening 4:03
The Date 4:35
The Match 4:29
Boys Don't Cry 4:04
Drive 2:20
Druckknoph 3:41
A Teen's Guide 14:00
Section 2 6:00-8pm
Hair Lockets 3:43
Pieces of Belmar 5:13
Separation 18:00
Nights Like This 10:36
Print 4:45
Backstage 15:28
Victim 15:19
So What 17.27
Klaus 12:20
Girl in Pieces 10:04
Amanda 12:00
I See You 15:00
8:15 Awards for Student Films, presented by Chris J. Cullen, and actor/filmmaker Gerard Garilli
Schedule for August 16th
Upstairs Films
Letters To Wayne 5:00
Hair Lockets 3:43
So What 17:27
Narcissist 17:00
I See Us 15:40
Sunday Best 19
Maintenance Required 15
Perchance To Dream 10
5ive 1:50
Adjust a Dream 6
Backstage 15:29
She Rides Bulls 10:14
Victim 15:19
Nights Like This 11
Left Bank Booksellar 27;30
Beauty Shop 7
I Had a Dream 7
Starting Note 10
Amanda 12:30
Separation 18
Found 14
Dances with Andrea 28:30
The Penny 1:30
Crystal Unclear 11:41
A Box Came from Brooklyn 26.18
Breaking the Game 10
Happy People 30
Point Society 29
Downstairs Films
Girl in Pieces 10
Pieces of Belmar 10
Communication Breakdown 6
Affliction 14:29
Dunes Atlantic 15:50
Ploy 21:12
Must Hurry 3
Let's Stay Together 3
Quiet Picnic 3:15
A Bad Idea-3
Man Slave 6
Growth Spurt 14:30
Flat Brim 14:31
The White Spruce 25:26
Clown Baby 2:40
Traffico 4:75
Traffico 7:37
Fragments 4:37
Candy 4:31
Print 4:45
Think Twice 6:45
Klaus 12:20
Behind Closed Doors 6:25
Tryfing 15:20
Some Mistakes are Forever 6:40
Another Heart Breaks 3
Rest Stop 5:51
Bear 6:13
The Coin 8:13
The Dress 10:49
The Walk 19:35
Floating Sunflowers 11
Grafters 23
Awards Show, featuring actor/filmmaker Chris J Cullen, filmmaker Chris Capaci, filmmaker Rob Santana, actor Artie Pasquale
actor Joe Sernio and host Dylan Manigian to Follow after last films play.
Letters To Wayne 5:00
Hair Lockets 3:43
So What 17:27
Narcissist 17:00
I See Us 15:40
Sunday Best 19
Maintenance Required 15
Perchance To Dream 10
5ive 1:50
Adjust a Dream 6
Backstage 15:29
She Rides Bulls 10:14
Victim 15:19
Nights Like This 11
Left Bank Booksellar 27;30
Beauty Shop 7
I Had a Dream 7
Starting Note 10
Amanda 12:30
Separation 18
Found 14
Dances with Andrea 28:30
The Penny 1:30
Crystal Unclear 11:41
A Box Came from Brooklyn 26.18
Breaking the Game 10
Happy People 30
Point Society 29
Downstairs Films
Girl in Pieces 10
Pieces of Belmar 10
Communication Breakdown 6
Affliction 14:29
Dunes Atlantic 15:50
Ploy 21:12
Must Hurry 3
Let's Stay Together 3
Quiet Picnic 3:15
A Bad Idea-3
Man Slave 6
Growth Spurt 14:30
Flat Brim 14:31
The White Spruce 25:26
Clown Baby 2:40
Traffico 4:75
Traffico 7:37
Fragments 4:37
Candy 4:31
Print 4:45
Think Twice 6:45
Klaus 12:20
Behind Closed Doors 6:25
Tryfing 15:20
Some Mistakes are Forever 6:40
Another Heart Breaks 3
Rest Stop 5:51
Bear 6:13
The Coin 8:13
The Dress 10:49
The Walk 19:35
Floating Sunflowers 11
Grafters 23
Awards Show, featuring actor/filmmaker Chris J Cullen, filmmaker Chris Capaci, filmmaker Rob Santana, actor Artie Pasquale
actor Joe Sernio and host Dylan Manigian to Follow after last films play.